Monday, August 27, 2012

Fish and Obedience

"…He [Christ] sought to undo the work that had been wrought by false education, and to give to His hearers a right conception of His kingdom and of His own character." -DA 299

This mission is played out in every single aspect of Christ life here on earth. It was His constant aim. 

One particular account is recorded in Luke 5…

It had been a long night on the lake. They had nothing to show for their efforts. 
They were mentally tired too. 
For some time now they had been watching this provocative young rabbi in His work. He healed people and preached about the kingdom of God. Some thought He could be the Messiah, but what a strange way of preparing to throw out the Romans. After all, wasn't that what the Messiah was suppose to do: cleanse the nation of this thorn in their side?  
Instead, this Man was teaching about poorness of spirit, meekness, mercy, and a boatload of other things contrary to what the Messiah should be doing. 

*What business does He have to muddle in our personal lives? Can't He just concentrate on raising an army and getting the show on the road? We're ready to fight. Why isn't He?* 

As the boats near shore, they see Him on the beach. A crowd of people surround Him. 

*See! He already has a following large enough to start something and yet He continues to counsel them about spiritual things. It just doesn't make sense. What kind of Messiah is this? Not the one we've been taught of.* 

The fisherman secure the boats and automatically start cleaning their nets, like they've done for years. 
They can't help notice the crowd continues to grow. 

Jesus looks their way. 

Simon, can you do me a favor? I need some space. Can we put your boat out from the shore and let me teach from there? 

Simon shrugs his shoulders. Why not? 

The sun continues to rise.
The setting was perfect really. Had Kodak been around then, doubtless someone would have used it to describe the moment. 
The fisherman listen as they finish their job and store the nets. They can't help be drawn by the words this Man speaks. Something about them soothes the tumult of thoughts that had been raging in their minds. 

Silence. Jesus is done teaching…or is He? 

"Launch out into the deep, and let down your nets for a catch."  vs. 4

Simon looks around wondering if Jesus is talking to someone else. No, He's looking straight at Him. 

*What? He wants me to fish now? Doesn't He know this isn't the time of day to fish? Doesn't He know you don't go into deep water? What can He be thinking? Just because I let Him use my boat to preach doesn't mean He can use it however He likes. 
Plus, the guy is a carpenter. He works with wood, not fish. This isn't He field of expertise. It's mine. 
Why is He embarrassing Himself in front of all these people? This is a fishing community after all. Everyone knows this isn't how you do things. What would they think if they see me following a carpenter's instructions? 
On top of everything, we already have the nets stored away and it would take all afternoon to get them clean for tonight…
Maybe I should help Him understand.* 

"Master, we have toiled all night (*ahem* that's when you're suppose to fish) and caught nothing…" vs. 5

But then he stops. As he looks into the eyes of Jesus, the words spill from his mouth. 

"…nevertheless, at Your word I will let down the net." vs. 5

Wait. Did he really just say that? 

*Boy howdy. Here I go putting my foot in my mouth again. What did I just get myself into?*

Not wanting to meet the eyes of his counterparts, he hollers, "Andrew, c'mon. Give me a hand." 

Can't you imagine Andrew's face? 

As the boat sails into deep water, Simon doesn't need to look back to the shore. He can feel the eyes of the crowd on him. And yet Jesus doesn't seem to mind. He smiles and laughs as the boat rocks with the wind blowing across the lake. 

*How can He be so at ease? Everything about this is wrong.*

Jesus interrupts Simon's thoughts. 

Ok, Simon. I think here is a good spot.

Simon looks around. 

*Great. I knew He didn't know what He was doing. Of all places…really?* 

Here guys, I'll give you a hand with the nets. 

The next moments are like slow motion for Simon and Andrew. Without thinking, they move automatically to cast their nets, their actions honed by years of experience. 

*splash* The nets slapped the face of the water. 

Instantly, the fisherman's muscles strain against weight of fish filling the nets. 
Simon's voice bellows across the lake. 

James! John! Come help!

They struggle as they work together. Jesus is right beside them, helping them haul the nets aboard. James and John arrive. Whoops and hollers spill from these fisherman. They've never seen anything like this in their life. Their boats are actually sinking because of the plenitude. 

Once the commotion settles, Simon looks around. He sees Jesus in the boat, dripping from head to toe, seaweed stuck in His hair, a huge grin spread across His face. But for the first time, Simon sees beyond the garb of a carpenter-turned-fisherman. The recognition brings him to his knees. 

"Depart from me, for I am a sinful man, O Lord!" vs. 8

Words uttered from the mouth of a man who knows he's in the very presence of God. The conviction is almost too much to bear. His heart is breaking. The knowledge of his condition humbles him. 

Jesus kneels down beside him. 

"Don't be afraid. From now on you will catch men." vs. 10
Jump forward several years. 

It's Pentecost. The city is full of pilgrims. 
The Holy Spirit has been poured out on the disciples. 
Peter stands up and begins to speak...

"...This Jesus God has raised up, of which we are all witnesses…" Acts 2:32

He is testifying of the Messiah. 
3,000 are added to the church. 
As he watches people repenting and being baptized, it's as if he's back on the lake with Jesus. 
He can almost feel the breeze blowing through his hair, the rock of the boat against the waves, the smell of the fish surrounding him, the burning in his heart as he kneels at the feet of his Lord. 
He can hear the words spoken ever so gently, 

"Don't be afraid. From now on you will catch men." 

It had been the wrong time, the wrong place. Everything Peter had been educated about fishing was challenged. The only reason he had to act on was Jesus word. He commanded it. 
Only by His word was the catch a success.  

Obedience to every word of God is another condition of success. Victories are not gained by ceremonies or display, but by simple obedience to the highest General, the Lord God of heaven. He who trusts in this Leader will never know defeat. Defeat comes in depending on human methods, human inventions, and placing the divine secondary. Obedience was the lesson that the Captain of the Lord's host sought to teach the vast armies of Israel – obedience in things in which they could see no success. When there is obedience to the voice of our Leader, Christ will conduct His battles in ways that will surprise the greatest powers of earth. -6T p. 140

Sometimes I wonder if the reason we don't see "catches" like this in our own life is because when Jesus asks us to do something radical, we don't get beyond the excuse. 

"You see, Master, we've been doing this a long time. Trust us. We know what we're doing. This is our area. Ask us to pick up a sword and fight for You, we'll do it in an instant, but don't try to mess with our personal lives, our daily lives, the area we feel comfortable with. That's our domain - not Yours." 

Maybe we have yet to learn what it means to trust, to obey. 

Do we really understand what it means to have Jesus undo the work in our heart wrought by false education? 
Do we have that right conception of His kingdom and of His own character? 

Perhaps it's time to take our boats out deep and let down the nets...

1 comment:

  1. Mmm… if we wait until every cloud of doubt is removed, we will never obey at all. Oh may I not be so slow to discern Christ's voice and obey it… His word enables. Let me never forget.
